Chapter 203: Who Else But Me_1

At the same time, in the main hall of the Chenghuang Temple in Nanjing City, the second prince, Yu Jianji, was offering sacrifices to the temple.

Next to him, a young eunuch was holding an imperial decree, reading it loudly. The text in the decree was obviously written by a highly educated scholar, the language used was complex and elegant, and the meaning profound and beautiful.

Essentially, the current Emperor had learned about the breach of the Han General's tomb and the changes in the underworld. Understanding the hard work of the Chenghuang, he especially issued a decree as commendation and instructed both the second prince and Princess Changle to offer sacrifices.

"Please, Master Chenghuang, enjoy your meal!"

When Yu Jianji and Princess Changle both held the incense and bowed to the divine statues, they saw smoke rise from the dozens of whole cows, sheep, and pigs placed in the hall.