Chapter 209 Bright and Shining Like a Thin Cloud Veiling the Moon_1

Still within that temple in the southern part of Jinling City, a monk, a Taoist with a cane, and two scholars, once again gathered here.

"At the Hour of You tonight, meeting under Jiming Mountain?" Long Rui asked with curiosity, once again seeking verification from Xuanchenzi: "Xuanchen, are you sure it's Jiming Temple? What are they doing there? At evening?"

"They should be participating in the Duchenghuang Temple fair. Today is Duchenghuang's birthday."

Xuanchenzi showed slight embarrassment: "It's certain without a doubt. I'm afraid, in a state of urgency, I used some underhanded means to find out about this."

His voice paused for a moment, then he asked expectantly: "I wonder if the three of you are ready?"

"How could I not take it to heart if it's something Xuanchen has entrusted to me?"