Chapter 219 Neijianchashi_1

"So you're saying that Xue Wuya, Master Shenhui and all those involved in the Maitreya Teaching case, along with several extremely guilty and wicked evil cultivators locked in the water prison, as well as Demoness Zidie who was confined in the first underground layer, have all escaped?"

Qiu Qianqiu let out a mocking laugh: "Interesting, no sooner had I thrown these people into the water prison, they manage to escape from the Zhenyao Tower."

His words made the atmosphere in the hall even more oppressive and heavy. Everyone's faces, including Li Xuan and Jiang Hanyun, were as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Another person stepped forward: "After the Zhenyao Tower was blasted open, seven Xunjian who were holding the fort at the direction of the east courtyard wall were killed in action, and another twelve were injured."