Chapter 222 Peach of the Three Springs_1

"Is parchment also used inside this Zhenyao Tower?" Li Xuan asked Yue Qianqian directly, "I find the quality of this paper quite good."

The adage goes: When in doubt, consult Baidu—the Chinese search engine—, and you'll usually get an answer.

A blush tinted Yue Qianqian's beautiful face: "I-it's used in many places, for record keeping, interrogation notes, and so on. However, it's strictly managed, and almost every sheet is accounted for."

She had planned to keep her distance from Li Xuan starting today, and it was high time for her muddled mind to clear up. Thus, Yue Qianqian had been rather icy towards Li Xuan throughout the day, providing him with nothing but cold looks.

However, the talisman painting roll she had commissioned for memorabilia had, unfortunately, been spotted by Li Xuan when they entered the tower.