Chapter 239: I Can't Stop People from Proving the Way_1

"——When the energy is abundant the blood is also rich. But in the end, it is necessary to focus on cultivating one: energy as a guide, blood as a medium, energy and blood are interconnected, people will remain youthful, just like flowing water that does not rot, and doors and pivots without worms. Interesting, this Sutra of Innocence is quite intriguing."

The next day at noon, Li Xuan was sitting in a restaurant named 'Tingtao Pavilion', enthusiastically reading through the 'The Sutra of Innocence' in his hand.

He was here because he had been invited by Long Rui to drink an apology wine. As the host was late, Li Xuan simply took out the scroll of 'The Sutra of Innocence' to investigate it.

As someone who has already made some achievements in Martial Law, Li Xuan immediately appreciated the wonderful aspects of 'The Sutra of Innocence' as soon as he unrolled the scroll.