Chapter 249: Becoming Famous in One Move_1

Li Xuan's sword technique was relatively crude among those besieging Li Zhetian. Yet, he remained unquestionably the core powerhouse among them all. Master Yu, the former protector, the students of the Guozi Bureau, and the power of five eminent scholars were all concentrated in him, becoming more solid, more refined, and more powerful than ever.

Everyone was filled with high morale, amplifying their unity. Not only did this significantly ease the mental strain on Li Xuan in assimilating their powers, but it also continued to increase the intensity of his Hao Qi.

Especially the verse 'Who is to determine the rise and fall of this vast land,' Li Xuan took the lofty ambitions and grandeur of the Great Ancestor to heart, imprinting it into his Divine Consciousness.

Confucian Haoqi did not involve the concept of Wuyi or distinctions among Yun, Shi, Yi, Spirit, Soul, and Divine, yet the swing of Li Xuan's sword, combined with Haoqi, naturally possessed the most profound martial sense.