Chapter 257 Tiger of Jinling_1

When Li Xuan and Jiang Hanyun arrived at the Jiang's mansion, they found that the atmosphere there was somewhat tense.

Princess Changle was sitting at the head of the table, speaking in a gentle voice and smiling happily as she chatted with Lady Jiang. The latter only responded with fake smiles, just barely getting by in the conversation.

Vice Master Zhang Yingyuan from the Liudao Division was discussing, under the title of his division, with Jiang Yunqi about the recent uprisings of turtles and alligators in the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. But the threat of terrestrial monsters was much smaller than that of the water demons, so Vice Master Zhang didn't put them much into his mind.

Even though Jiang Yunqi tried to hide his impatience, the tea cup he held couldn't drive people away. He had no choice but to chat indifferently with Zhang Yingyuan.

Xue Yunrou was the only one sitting at the lower end of the hall, staring eagerly at the entrance.