Chapter 266: I Call the Shots Here_1


Xuanchenzi looked at him in disbelief: "Why is it you?"

This guy, isn't he a monk from Baosheng Temple? Known as the incarnation of the Medicine Buddha in the world, why is he mixed up with these rebels of the Jianling?

"What's so surprising? I am the descendant of the Jianling Emperor, the sixth-generation grandson of the Great Ancestor's direct line. I joined Baosheng Temple for this plan today."

Master Zhenru had already stood up, he looked coldly at Xuanchenzi and the men below him, then shifted his gaze to Li Xuan: "Are you planning to bite the hand that fed you, Xuanchenzi? Do you want to fight against me with your enemy?"

Upon hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel apprehensive, worrying that Xuanchenzi would be swayed by Zhenru and switch sides on the spot.

If it were him, he would consider this act of ungratefulness as an irreconcilable grievance, and would definitely have a fight to death with the person who did it to him.