Chapter 267: Teaching You What is Superconductivity (7400 Words Climax Chapter, Monthly Votes Needed)_4

He had hundreds of ideas flashing through his mind in an instant, investigating how to turn the situation around.

It was at this moment, however, that Li Xuan faintly heard someone reciting "The Book of Songs" outside the Dragon Gate.

The voice was very familiar to him - it seemed to be - Long Rui?

There was a slight gleam in Li Xuan's eyes: "Jijiu Quan! Can you command the five thousand students outside to recite The Song of Integrity outside Hulong Gate?"

"That could be possible!" Quan Dingtian hesitated at a distance: "But this place has been isolated by Hulong Gate -"

But as he said that, Quan Dingtian had a thought. He thought about the 'Wenshan Seal' in Li Xuan's hand; he was not able to communicate with the five thousand Jiansheng across the Hulong Gate, but Li Xuan, the Protector of Neo-Confucianism, might be able to.

Thinking of this, Quan Dingtian's pupils suddenly lit up: "I will instruct them, it will take at most twenty breaths."