Chapter 275: Must Leave My Wings Behind (Requesting for a Monthly Ticket)_1

When Li Xuan returned to the Jiang residence, a soft, gentle rain began to fall from the sky.

He waited under the eaves at the entrance of the hall for a while, but the maid who had gone to announce his arrival returned with an unexpected response.

"The young lady said she can't see you right now, and that if Colonel has anything to say, to do it in a few days."

Li Xuan's brow furrowed: "What about my aunt? What did she say?"

"Lady Jiang said the same." The maid glanced at Li Xuan's face: "She also said that your injury has almost healed. She suggested you could visit the hospital during your free time instead of staying here. Moreover, she will arrange to send over the elixir and medicine you need daily to Earl Chengyi's mansion."

At her words, Li Xuan froze, his mind absorbing the impact. Was Lady Jiang asking him to leave? How could this be? Wasn't everything fine before?