Chapter 282: My Operation is as Fierce as a Tiger_1

"Silence!" Li Xuan knocked on the tile surface and silenced the two people beside him: "The key to this operation is not to use any techniques or Zhenyuan. The protective array inside the Jiang Mansion can detect any form of spiritual power. And that gate on the left inside the courtyard, did you see it? Zhang Yue, you'll stay there. Anybody who comes in, you should knock them unconscious. Don't use a weapon, use the sleeping potion I prepared for you—"

"We also have to go in?" Peng Fulai became more depressed: "Shouldn't the two of us be on the lookout for you outside?"

"We're not really stealing, why do I need you to keep a lookout?"

Li Xuan glanced at him: "After I meet Hanyun, how can I keep a secret from her? Apologize at that time, then leave normally."

But Peng Fulai was apprehensive: "But I heard, the father of Xiaowei has ascended to the heavenly level? Is this considered digging above the master's head?"