Li Xuan quickly reached out to support Xue Yunrou, who was on the verge of falling.

He could sense the deep-seated hatred in Xue Yunrou. If what Xuanxiang said was true, then there would be more than one grievance between Li Zhetian and the girl.

Moreover, as far as Li Xuan knew, Xue Yunrou's elder brother seemed to have been bedridden due to the Knife Demon as well.

The enmity between the two parties was deep as the sea itself.

But the girl soon broke free from his grasp and continued towards the waist of the mountain.

Li Xuan followed closely with Fumo Vajra in tow. At the same time, he asked the accompanying Xuanxiang Taoist, "Who exactly is this so-called Heavenly Master Qianyuan Zhang Guanlan?"

He guessed that anyone able to severely injure Master Zhang must also be of heavenly level.

Yet, of the more than twenty heavenly level figures that he knew about in the present age, none of them were this person he had never heard of.