Chapter 306 There is a Fox Spirit Here (Seeking Recommendations, Seeking Monthly Tickets)_2

However, by now, this Hualong Pool has long lost this function.

Although it is still a holy place for cultivation, some practitioners of specific cultivation techniques can achieve twice the results here with half the effort, particularly suitable for cultivators refining their bodies, but it can no longer help snakes transform into dragons.

Due to a volcanic eruption hundreds of years ago, a lot of sulfur has accumulated around the Hualong Pool, making it a forbidden area for snakes.

Vice Tianshi Zhang's original plan was to make use of the innate eight diagrams here to suppress the power of ice and fire in Yu Hongchang's body. With the help of medicine and the unique power of the hot springs here, it was planned to help Yu Hongchang regulate her Qi, strengthen her physique, enhance her force of Yuan and achieve initial balance between yin and yang.