Chapter 318: The True Function of Taotie (6010 words, request for recommendations and monthly votes) _1

Xiahou Ying did not understand the source of his sense of crisis.

Li Xuan's instantaneous thousand cuts? Ridiculous. A magical cultivator from the distance at the ninth house level and simultaneously practicing the Light Fire Duality Technique couldn't do it, so how could Li Xuan?

So was it due to the opponent's blade technique? This also was unreal.

Li Xuan's ice-thunder blade technique had only reached the middle stage of the 'Yi' phase, and his Great Rectitude Martial Intention was a bit stronger, but it was only in the latter phase of the 'Yi'. These were not worth mentioning in front of him.

While the power to cause damage was slightly more impressive, there were two magical instruments on this person that enhanced his strength and his amplification of "The Song of Integrity" which made Li Xuan's Hao Qi brilliant and boundless.

Even Xiahou Ying himself dared not oppose the blade edge of Li Xuan with his body.