Chapter 332: I'll Testify for Him_1

Just as Long Rui and Wang Jing hastily left the stele forest, Li Xuan, donned in the Liudao Fumo Armor and the bright yellow Feiyu Suit with the Bixue Leique Sword at his waist, hurried into the western compound of the Guozi Bureau.

Trailing behind him was a vibrant young girl dressed in goose yellow clothes, charming with her clear and bright eyes.

The girl following Li Xuan with her arms behind her back said with a tone of boredom, "Li Qian, what are you doing in the Guozi Bureau? This place is so boring. Shall we go to the temple fair at Jile Temple nearby?"

Li Xuan was quite helpless in his heart. On his way to the Guozi Bureau, he ran into Miss Sun Chuyun from the imperial uncle's mansion.

What a coincidence that he would run into her like this. Since then, the girl had been pestering him, following him to the Guozi Bureau.

Normally, Li Xuan wouldn't care, and he might even flirt with her when he was in a good mood.