Chapter 337 What is it like to live off a woman_1

A moment later, Sun Jizong left with a large group of people looking downtrodden. Zhang Yue held the redemption deed that Sun Jizong wrote for Gong Xiaowu in his hand, but he wasn't in high spirits.

Although he achieved what he wanted this time, it put Li Xuan into great danger and trouble, which made him feel upset.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, was surrounded by several important figures from Guozi Bureau including the Jijiu and many students. They asked him to answer some academic questions and some directly inquired about his basic principles.

In the end, out of kindness, Li Xuan gave a lecture directly, explaining his Zhuyi Knife theory to those scholars who were interested.

As for the question about his 'fundamentals', Li Xuan dared not to talk about them.