Chapter 339 Clever Upgrade Method_1

In the early hours of the morning, on a stone platform located behind the Qinglong Hall, dozens of headless corpses were piled up, their blood gushing into the adjacent sewer.

At the center of the stone platform stood a colossal 'Ya Zi' stone statue radiating a red glow all over, its menacing eyes were looming over the scene below.

——This place was known as the Demon-Beheading House, the execution ground of the Qinglong Hall. Every once in a while, the Qinglong Hall would 'dispose of' the evil cultivators and felons they had captured.

To prevent the formation of vengeful spirits and the lingering of miasma that could harm future generations, the Liudao Division had spent a huge amount of money to erect a magic array here, ground the bones of a pure-blood 'Ya Zi' into powder, used a secret technique to craft a stone statue to suppress this place, and employed it to crush the Shenpo of these evil cultivators.