Chapter 344: Kill the God Blocking the Way, Kill the Buddha Blocking the Way _2

Li Xuan couldn't help but burst into laughter, "Nonsense! Do you think that's possible?"

Yet at that moment another smaller dragon head nudged up beside them, "I had no idea my brother-in-law was also in the Capital City, my apologies! After Ao and my sister have seen your Majesty, we'll certainly come and visit, have a drink together, brother."

Li Xuan suddenly felt Luo Yan's gaze, piercingly sharp, as if it could chop him into thousands of pieces.

Li Xuan looked helplessly at the receding dragon figure, thinking if this dragon knew that spouting nonsense could get people killed.

Meanwhile, about ten miles away, in Taiye Pool, the Demon Qilin, mouth filled with bubbles and mind dizzy, surfaced from the water.

When it finally regained consciousness, it furrowed its brows in anger, fangs bared, fury almost visible in the flames erupting in its eyes. An endless rage flowed through its chest —— Li Xuan!