Chapter 345: Shrimp blocks the shrimp (Ask for monthly tickets and subscriptions)_1

Inside the courtyard of the Shenyi Department, Li Xuan was oblivious to the external chaos. He looked at over a hundred baskets of shrimp, rubbing his temples in exasperation.

"You just accepted them when they were sent over? What are we supposed to do with all these prawns? We couldn't even finish them if we made spicy lobster! Wait a minute..."

Li Xuan was suddenly thoughtful: "Luo Yan, do you have any poison? It'd be best if it's pretty potent and can take effect quickly."

"What do you need poison for?"

Luo Yan understood Li Xuan's plan the moment she asked the question, "You want to use these shrimp to set a trap for the demon unicorn? That's a good idea, but I don't usually use poison."

Li Xuan then turned his gaze to Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue, and both promptly shook their heads. Peng Fulai even added, "The poison on my concealed weapons was already applied when I bought them. However, I did bring lots of recreational drugs."