Chapter 351 He's Awesome Beyond Your Imagination_1

Almost at the moment when the huge gate was shattered, over a hundred fire guns fired simultaneously. Alongside it, there also rang a series of machine noises; countless arrows scattered towards Li Xuan like a swarm of bees.

However, just as those arrows and bullets reached halfway, a 'peng' sound echoed in the sky. All bullets and arrows veered off course at the same time, unable to touch Li Xuan in the slightest.

At this moment, behind Li Xuan, countless threads spread out, extending into the void like the wings of a god, forming an invisible, yet incredibly powerful magnetic field, twisting all the metal.

The figure of Li Xuan himself, like a wild dragon entering the sea, broke into the Shenqi Union.


With this roar full of pure Hao Qi, all those within a radius of twenty yards lost their conscious without exception, and the adjacent pavilions also collapsed under the impact of Li Xuan's blade.