Chapter 352: No Longer the Ignorant of Wu (6000-word Large Chapter Asking for Monthly Ticket)_4

This wasn't like when he had been attacked on the canal and had to protect Zhang Yue and Peng Fulai, forced to stand against Xiahou Ying.

He could well have adopted the guerrilla warfare tactic of hit-and-run.

Su Zhaojun, however, misinterpreted his intention. She glanced at the steed in front of Li Xuan, thought about the incredible speed, and basically understood.

"What about Shenqi Union leader Dai Longli and others? And Yurou?"

"They ran away." Li Xuan stepped on the ground, an expression of helplessness on his face: "I was digging for a long time without breaking through, so I simply gave up. But my Niulang is still in the sky, looking down for them. As for Yurou, I searched the entire Artifact Mountain and found no sign of her."