Chapter 361: Here's Your Opportunity_1

Li Xuan felt a throbbing pain in his chest, furrowing his brows, wondering what on earth was going on?

If Yu Hongshang had returned to her original form, where had these Yinsha come from?

Just then, Li Xuan had a feeling. When he opened his eyes, he found Sun Chuyun sitting in front of him, her hand resting on her chin, watching him intently.

Feeling helpless, Li Xuan shouted loudly, "Brother prison head, there's a female prisoner intruding into my room, aren't you going to do something about it?"

The few prison guards who came over all thought, "fuck, how did someone get into Li Xuan's room? This is truly a failure to the trust bestowed upon us by the imperial uncle and a disgrace to the two hundred taels of patterned silver he gave us."

The few of them hurriedly opened the door, wanting to invite Sun Chuyun out.

Sun Chuyun, feeling helpless, could only return reluctantly to room No.4 of Tian across the corridor.