Chapter 377: Will I Capsize?_1

Li Xuan and the bureaucrats only disbanded after drinking till evening. A group of people led by Wei Zhen, Jishizhong of the Ministry of Personnel, were prepared to rush to the Eight Hutongs, but Li Xuan did not go with them.

He thought this Uncle Wei was really indiscreet. Being of the same generation as his father, Li Chengji, he still invited him to the Eight Hutongs. Was this appropriate?

By the time Li Xuan returned, he was drunk.

With his current cultivation, if he drank ordinary wine, he could drink a thousand cups and not be intoxicated. After drinking, forcing Mana Zhenyuan could negate the effects of alcohol.

The problem was that there was no ordinary wine on sale in Shanwei House. There was all kinds of fine wine and jade liquid like "Qiongchi Green Ants" and "Kunlun God's Essence" available.

However, they didn't contain alcohol which couldn't be forced out.