Chapter 389 Ordering all the Spirits_1

As recorded in history, after the sudden death of the Great Ancestor of Liao, large caves were carved into a mountain to form palaces with more than a hundred rooms serving as the tomb of the Great Ancestor of Liao. An enormously spectacular and grand palace complex was also built within the valley up ahead, but unfortunately, the vast majority of it was razed by the Jurchen tribe.

The 'feasting platform' of the Great Ancestor of Liao's tomb is positioned on the southern side of the tomb, specifically for the four seasons' sacrifice.

This place was originally known as the 'Heavenly Feast Hall,' a massive stone hall. However, the surface structure was destroyed, leaving only a stone platform in ruins.

When Zhu Mingyue arrived in the Red Thunder Chariot, tearing through the void to get here, he discovered the Mongolian Shaman, Abas, was unexpectedly also in this place. Abas was standing on the platform with his hands behind his back, looking out over the ruined tomb in front of him.