Chapter 403: The Great River Battle_1

The speed of the rainbow-colored spiritual light was so fast, that even Wu Zhiqi could not react in time to shift his elemental body.

The pupils of Wu Zhiqi contracted, subsequently dividing a portion of the Taiyin Zhenshui from his mystery body, forming a storm water shield with a ten zhang circumference next to his body.

"Nothing in the world is softer than water, yet it can overcome the hardest things!"

This water shield rotated rapidly, and with the infinite compression of centripetal force, it forcibly blocked those rainbow-colored spiritual lights outside the shield, preventing them from making any headway.

However, the water shield suddenly froze the next instant.

That was courtesy of Earl Chengyi, Li Chengji, who from a distance, with a single distance-cutting blow, turned the vortex water shield formed by the Taiyin Zhenshui into icy cold frost in a moment. It then exploded into icy powder under the impact of the 'Great Five Elements Yin-Yang Magnet Miejue Needle'.