Chapter 420: Majestic as the Mountains and Rivers (climax, asking for monthly tickets and subscriptions)_2

At this point, she flicked her elegant sleeve, conjuring a silver mirror next to her. Ripples sparkled within the mirror, revealing the figure of Ao Gun.

"Ao Gun!" Ao Shuying exclaimed with impatience, "How much longer do you need on your end?"

"The evacuation is nearly complete." Ao Gun, maintaining his dragon form, showed a bitter smile on his huge face, "As far as I can see from up here, there are no more people in the villages and towns. We have even managed to get many animals out. The problem is those deep in the woods; we have to search for them one by one. Plus, some people are stubbornly refusing to leave and are playing hide-and-seek with us."

"Don't wait any longer then, go and open the levee now." Ao Shuying commanded, her face expressionless and her eyes ice cold.

She had sympathy for all beings, but it was just sympathy, not a means to peace and tranquility in the world.
