Chapter 427 How did I become Wangfu?_1

When Li Xuan took the purple-golden stream of light into his hand, he discovered that what appeared to be a talisman was actually in the shape of a jade scepter.

In ancient times, jade scepters were used by emperors and lords for imperial audiences, ritual vows, and symbolized authority and status, similar to a seal stamp.

The seal script on it read 'Water Virtue Monarch Consort Li Xuan'. What was astonishing was that this jade scepter contained a vast and wondrous power within it.

Li Xuan was not unfamiliar with this power at all. It was clearly the power of faith, also known as divine power. He had a profound experience with it when he was in the Jinling underground. The 'Shenyuan Stone' he obtained later was the essence formed by the aggregation of divine power.

Now, within this jade scepter, not only was there a concentrated divine power, but Li Xuan could also feel a multitude of faith pouring into his divine token.