Chapter 431 - A False Alarm (Seeking Monthly Tickets)_1

ps: Above, I've omitted 2,000 words. Due to the strict scrutiny lately, I dare not write freely. If I get free time in the future, I'll write a side story and upload it to the QQ group.

Also, I am begging for some monthly votes again. I have dropped to over 60th place. Please provide support, everyone.


Li Xuan had an incredibly long dream. In it, he rode the Jade Qilin through a battlefield, battling furiously. He swung his waist knife around repeatedly, slashing at his enemies.

Eventually, he triumphed over his adversaries and established a great kingdom. However, it was destroyed by a catastrophic, uncontrolled flood.

Undeterred, Li Xuan again mounted his horse and swung his knife to quell rebellions and restore order. But just as the world was becoming peaceful and prosperous once again, the weather turned and another torrential rain fell. Dragons and snakes rose from the waters, destroying all of Li Xuan's achievements again.