Chapter 439 Master of Time Management_1

"Chuyun?" Li Xuan unconsciously used his 'Tao-protecting Eyes', looking towards an office next door.

—That was originally for Sun Chuyun. Although she became the banner chief of Fourth Banner under his arrangement, she insisted on locating her office in this courtyard.

However, since the incident at Dali Temple's prison, he had forgotten about her name for a long time.

This was because he was always running around outside and the second reason was this girl's presence was too weak.

At this moment, Li Xuan looked intently, only to discover that the gate of the room was closed tight and even a layer of dust had fallen on the tables and chairs inside.

"What's happening?" Luo Yan saw this, and she covered her face with an expression of resentment and snickered, "You haven't even sorted out the problems here yet and you are thinking about problems outside?"

Yue Qianqian, who was buried in official documents, could not help but look up at them with confusion.