Chapter 442 Freshly Baked Beautiful Maiden (Seeking Monthly Pass)_1

One day later, in a signing room in the Demon Fenshu, Luo Yan was holding several documents sent by Yue Qianqian, and she had a bewildered expression on her face.

"I still don't understand, what exactly is the situation on the front line? I wonder how likely our Jin Dynasty is to win?"

Actually, the military news summarized by Yue Qianqian in the documents was very clear and straightforward.

All the news and battle reports from the front line were categorized by Yue Qianqian according to the timse and locations, which made it easy to understand at a glance.

The problem was, although Luo Yan could recognize every character on it, she had no idea what they meant when all these characters were strung together.

This was nothing like the official documents and cases that she had helped Li Xuan with before.

This involved the geography and the complex military and personnel system of the Jin Dynasty. How could she understand all this in a short time?