When Yu Jie killed the white wolf of Yin Mountain, the Mongolian Shaman Abas and another sacred white wolf no longer dared to linger within the gates of Zhangjiakou and fled beyond the Great Wall.

This man and wolf had just escaped when the white wolf from the sacred land of Buerhan Mountain began to breathe heavily and spit blood.

The state of the Mongolian Shaman Abas was not much better; not only was his energy extremely weakened, but both his arms had also been broken by Yu Jie's Hao Qi and were slowly healing.

However, the more troubling injury was within his Primordial Spirit, where Yu Jie's Liuli Haoqi remained entwined around the core of Abas's Divine Consciousness.

This caused his eyebrows to furrow tightly, enduring immense pain at every moment.

Yet Abas couldn't afford to worry about these issues at the moment, as he looked anxiously towards the south.