On the early eighth day of the seventh month, the various tribes of Mongwu moved en masse on the western bank of the Aruhun River and near Beluga Lake of Lingbei. Groups of Mongwu knights picked up their bows and sabers, mounted their warhorses, and marched towards the direction of the Aruhun River.

They gathered together like streams into a river, forming a vast, surging black tide.

Originally, the hearts of the Datan and Wala tribes were filled with panic, their morale was low, and grievances were abundant.

But as this endless stream of brave Mongwu warriors converged on the western bank of the Aruhun River, their previously uneasy hearts suddenly found peace.

Such a sight had not been seen on the northern steppe for a long time.

Hundreds of thousands of Mongwu warriors, like an ocean, with their warhorses snorting fiercely and galloping unrestrained, while the curved sabers and chain mail reflected tiles of cold light.