Chapter 22 Revenge is a Courtesy【Seeking for More Reads】_1

"Leader, save me!!"

The despair in Lu Fei's cry slowed the movements of the two battling demons ahead.

The Bear Leader was a leader and could therefore contend with the Tiger Demon, who was also a leader-level demon on Snake Coil Mountain.

A leader is bound to have subordinates.

So, both leader demons hesitated at Lu Fei's shout.

However, Lu Fei, who was fleeing, was directly opposite the Bear Leader. He simply lifted his head and saw his own Little White Fur Wolf escaping with a Snake Demon in pursuit.

Judging by the size of the Snake Demon... it was a Snake Demon Leader.

"Not good..."

A shudder shot through the Bear Leader's heart.

As a Little Leader of the Rolling Mountain, he knew the tradition of the Mountain King to fight with other demon tribes every few years.

He had followed the Mountain King for many years and participated in similar battles many times.

With so many experiences, of course, came a lot of expertise.

So, in every battle, he always chose a leader demon of the same level to fight, not trying too hard, but he couldn't slack off either – after all, the King was watching.

He survived each battle by the skin of his teeth.

After each battle, he would feast with the King, enjoying the corpses of the fallen little demons, thus gaining gradually more experience and cultivating himself.

Having managed to accomplish his battle tasks without any danger, the Bear Leader naturally was not willing to take risks.

So, seeing Little White bringing an enemy demon leader over, the Bear Leader immediately sensed danger.

He did not want to be attacked by two leader demons.

It's a cardinal sin to lose focus on the battlefield.

At the moment his attention wandered, the opponent opposite him – a Tiger Demon Leader of equal size wielding a huge ax – brightened his eyes, rapidly stepped back, and then let out a roar.


In an instant, the unprepared Bear Leader was nailed to the spot by the tiger's yell, trembling in fear.

Seeing his roar had effect, the Tiger Demon Leader's face immediately revealed a fiendish smile and swung his mighty axe towards the Bear Leader.


The Tiger Demon Leader roared as he swung his axe.

The shocked Bear Leader desperately lifted his huge battle-axe to block his opponent's strike.

However, he only saw a flash of the Tiger Demon's grimace before the giant axe originally aimed at his head was abruptly redirected towards his shoulder.

"Not good..."

Seeing the tiger's grimace, the Bear Leader instantly sensed danger, but it was already too late.

The Tiger Demon's axe brutally sliced through the Bear Leader's shoulder, severing his entire arm, flesh and all, in an instant.


The Bear Leader held back the excruciating pain without making a sound, his remaining arm, which still held the axe, immediately swung towards the Tiger Demon.


The triumphant Tiger Demon immediately retreated, making the Bear Leader's retaliatory strike miss. He then burst into laughter.

Both the Tiger Demon Leader and Bear Leader were old acquaintances, and their powers were evenly matched.

In the battles between Rolling Mountain and Snake Coil Mountain every three years, the two of them were always opponents, but neither could best the other, and so it had been for many years.

Now that he had cut off one of the Bear Demon's arms, regardless of how he had done it, it meant he had won.

He had never been sure if he could beat the Bear Demon before, but now, not only had he won, he also wanted to see if he could kill his old rival.

With this in mind.

The Tiger Demon Leader licked the blood splatter off his mouth, his gaze towards the Bear Leader growing increasingly greedy.

After witnessing his boss, the Bear Leader, having an arm hacked off by the opposing Tiger Demon, Lu Fei dared not to make a sound anymore.

He wasn't sure if his boss's defeats had anything to do with him.

But the Bear Leader seemed to be in a bad position at the moment.

As not to get into trouble himself, he ceased incurring any more trouble for his boss to prevent the latter's wrath from falling upon him, which could possibly get himself chopped too, in anger.

Hence, he glanced back at the persistent Snake Demon pursuing him and gritted his teeth before turning to run madly toward the nearest patch of woodland.

The Snake Demon, its forked tongue flickering, silently watched the slippery White Wolf, Lu Fei, change his escape direction once again.

However, it didn't continue to chase him but instead, quickly moved towards the Bear Demon, intentions clear to join the Tiger Demon against Bear Leader .

After all, compared to killing a leader-class demon, a somewhat clever Wolf Demon was not worth mentioning.

When Lu Fei had run out of breath at the edge of a grove by a valley,

he turned back due to the unusual quietness, only to find that the Snake Demon who had been chasing him was now taking a stance opposing the Bear Leader, clearly joining forces with the Tiger Demon to fight his boss.

"You have had a hard time, boss..."

Panting heavily, Lu Fei gazed at the three leader demons that had already started to battle and whispered softly.

Despite his sympathetic words, there was no trace of regret on his face, nor was there any hint of guilt in his eyes for leading trouble away.

There was only relief over his escape!


Lu Fei hid behind a thorny bush and peered down at the valley battlefield.

He just found out that apart from the demon bodies and limbs scattered around, only a few were still battling it out.

Judging by the body shapes and modes of attack, undoubtedly they all were leader-class demons.

When he looked up toward the sky,

he found that the Great Commander of Rolling Mountain, who had been hovering in the air on a cloud, was nowhere to be seen.

And when Lu Fei looked to the other side, neither was the beautiful Snake Demon and its ugly subordinates to be found.

What was happening?

Just as Lu Fei was wondering, he suddenly felt a sharp pain on one of his ears.

"Damn it..."

Startled, Lu Fei quickly bolted out from his hiding place in the thicket, rather than carelessly moving his paw to touch it. He turned back to look, only to spot a head retracting into a patch of wild grass and thicket in the distance.

"Damn it..."

Lu Fei quickly slithered behind a large tree. After checking left and right and finding no danger, he dared to lower his head and extended his paw to feel the dreadful pain coming from his ear.

Then, he found out that the pain was due to an arrow—a bloody arrow had pierced through one of his ears.

At this moment, he was not angered, but frightened.

If the arrow had been shot a little accurately, it would not have been his ear that was pierced, but his head.

As a Wolf Demon, his hide was not as sturdy as that of the Bull Demons, Pig Demons, or Pangolin Demons.

A common arrow, if fired with enough force, could pierce through his skin.

Just like his ear at that moment.

Only then did Lu Fei realize that there were traces of battle all around him—blood stains, as well as bodies of several demons—some partially devoured, some headless, some with open chests, their innards eaten out.

Apparently, this place, too, was a battlefield.

However, compared to the valley below, which had become a slaughterhouse for the lesser demons, Lu Fei preferred to hide in this forest instead.

After a brief consideration, Lu Fei decided to take a detour deeper into the forest.

An unknown creature had just shot an arrow at him, which was still stuck in his ear. Revenge was a must.

He sniffed at the air.

After looking left and right, Lu Fei chose a direction and started to walk further into the forest.