Chapter 26: Made a Fortune_1

Sealwort is important.

But a storage bag that can store things, the Mustard Seed Space, is clearly more important.

This is a world with demon magic, and Lu Fei doesn't think his idea is impossible.

He had observed this Rabbit Demon closely in front of him.

He knew there was no place on the demon to hide anything, then where did that piece of sealwort spiritual medicine came from?

And, why did the Rabbit Demon turn his back to him when taking out the sealwort?

Obviously, he didn't want him to see it.

So, Lu Fei had reason to suspect that this Rabbit Demon was hiding a treasure capable of storage.

He had wanted to have a storage bag for a while, but even Crow Demon who had more experience than him was not clear.

This time he got the chance, how could he let it slip away.

"Which one are you talking about?"

Hearing Lu Fei's words, the Rabbit Demon furrowed his eyebrows: "I didn't hear clearly."