Chapter 38 Banquet 2_1

The region of Great Wilderness Mountain.

New Rolling Mountain.

Mid-slope of the mountain.

A crowd of demons danced wildly in the lively and chaotic evening banquet.

"I think this spot is not bad. You guys can scram..."

Lu Fei spoke lightly, staring at the rat demon Grey Skin on the stone table in front of him.

In an instant.

The surrounding demons all fell silent, thinking they heard wrong.

But soon, they all reacted, their eyes lit up, and they were all immediately interested.

The involved parties.

The Crow Demon widened his eyes, looking at the big brother before him, thinking that his big brother was too arrogant and too cool at this moment.

The Little Pig Demon Red Pi stared at the five demons on the stone table after the big brother's words fell.

As for the Rat Demon Grey Skin.