Chapter 61 Leader 2【Two-in-One】_1


Listening to the response of his elder brother, observing the calm expression on his elder brother's face, and thinking about his elder brother's unprecedented strength and miraculous actions from just moments ago.

The Crow Demon suddenly shouted with joy: "Excellent, truly excellent!"

"Our elder brother has become a Demon General! Next, General Black will certainly appoint him leader!"

"Now, let's see who dares to bully us!"

"We no longer have to endure the oppression of the Bear leader..."

The Crow Demon's face was flushed with excitement as he shouted.

This time, no one faulted him, and no one stopped him.

Although Red Pi and Yellow Gui didn't express their emotions as intensely as the Crow Demon did,

they too had smiles on their faces and were thrilled to their cores.

Just as the Crow Demon said, now that their elder brother has become a Demon General, he will certainly be appointed leader soon.