Chapter 64: Daily Life of the Demon Leader 1_1

Main Mountain.

In front of a clearing at the peak of the mountain.

After finishing his explanation to Lu Fei, the Wolf Leader left of his own accord.

Left behind, Lu Fei took a moment to comprehend the five Little Demons that stood before him.

Technically, Lu Fei had already spent nearly half a year in this world, traversing several mountain peaks, and encountering a myriad of demons.

However, the sight of these five all together was quite a rarity.

The first in line amongst the five Little Demons boasted a bovine head. This bull-headed Little Demon was in fact a Yellow Cow Demon, which was relatively common. Bull Demons are plentiful in numbers, have large bodies and tremendous strength, making for decent subordinates.

The second was less commonly seen, a Pheasant Demon, also known as a Wild Chicken Demon. This Wild Chicken Demon, despite being short in stature, stood out due to the vivid combination of red, green, black, white, and yellow colors on its head.