Chapter 72 Winner Takes All【Request for Subscription, Request for Monthly Ticket】_1

Unlike the raging wind and snow from before.

The weather on Great Wilderness Mountain was sunny and warm.

"Eh, are we going to keep sitting here?"

"What's wrong with sitting here..."

"I can't bear it much longer..."

"Then go and ask our leader..."

"I won't do it..."

"How much longer do we need to wait here? Can't we go back to the mountain we were at earlier?"

"You should ask the leader..."

"I won't do it..."

"Oh no, I need to relieve myself..."

"Go ask the leader quickly..."

"I won't, I'll hold it in..."

Behind Lu Fei, ten little demons were lying, standing or sitting on the ground, whispering and constantly chatting.

In their surroundings, it wasn't just them, even the demons from Snake Coil Mountain were all the same, sitting, standing, or lying down in disorder.

But anyone who would stand still for a couple of hours would eventually get impatient.

Not to mention demons.

"Big Brother..."