Chapter 98: Overwhelming Fortune, Unknown Blessing or Curse, Three Months' Time is Up! _4

Lu Fei had a good memory, he could remember things after seeing them once.

Reflecting on Elder Brother Qing Chen, if Lu Fei were to describe him with a single word, it would be "calm".

Yes, Elder Brother Qing Chen had a serene demeanor, he was unperturbed by chaos. His pair of glossy, warm, black eyes were soothing, under their gaze, an agitated heart could find tranquillity and cool composure.

In short, he left a deep impression on Lu Fei.

As for his power, Lu Fei had no idea.

Because he did not feel any strong, terrifying aura that the other Golden Core or Human Immortal Level Elder Brothers emitted from his person.

All he sensed was an overwhelming sense of calm when he was near him.

Within this aura of tranquility, Lu Fei found a serene calmness settling over his heart.

But as the current Chief Disciple among the forty-nine disciples of Master Zhenyuan who had yet to debut, Lu Fei speculated that his power must surpass the Realm of Human Immortal.