Chapter 107: Fourteen Years, All Living Beings Part 1

No warning.

No notification.

Just brazenly releasing such a massive aura.

The newcomer's attitude can hardly be considered friendly.

In that case, Bai Yunxiao had no reason to be overly polite.

As his figure swiftly shot out of the General Cave, he saw a tall figure standing in the pavilion outside the cave. This person was dressed in a finely tailored, black robe and sported long silver-white hair, his face was handsome - a human figure.

Regardless of the transformation, Bai Yunxiao could still distinctly feel the intimidating demon qi emanating from the individual.

The person before him was, without doubt, a demon, not a human.

Despite their demon form, their formidable aura did not resemble any Demon Marshal that Bai Yunxiao had ever encountered.

"May I know who you are?"

"What brings you to Rolling Mountain?"

Bai Yunxiao stood outside the pavilion, calmly addressing the figure within.

Just then,