Chapter 121: Singlehandedly Eliminating Demons, Leaving Behind a Name, Flower Fruit Mountain! _3


Finally, the voice of the Black Mountain Old Demon resonated. His voice was rough, coarse, and eerie. It was unpleasant to the ears of the mortal, the sound itself screamed non-human.

The Black Mountain Old Demon abandoned his assault on the Taoist, sidestepped the gold light that was coming towards him, and with a free hand, he swiped at the gold light.

However, Lu Wufei would not repeat the mistake of the golden-haired monkey demon, the previous owner of the Radiant Gold Stick from Fengyun Ridge. With a thought, he quickly controlled the Radiant Gold Stick to change its trajectory and dodge.

At the same time.

Two small golden figures that had avoided the gold light stick appeared.

The Black Mountain Old Demon aimed a swipe at them but, instead of hitting the stick, he hit the two golden needles.

The golden needles quickly penetrated the demon's arms.