Chapter 127: Fifty Years, the Giant Palm Supporting the Sky, all Resentments Vanished!_2

"Little White, you're finally back!"

"Little White, where have you been all these years?"

"Have you found Big Brother?"

Seeing the surprised and eager faces reaching out to him, Little White immediately climbed onto Red Pi's shoulder, looking warily at the crowd of demons.

"Alright, don't scare Little White!"

Seeing this, Red Pi immediately raised his hand to stop the approaching Crow Demon, saying: "Let me ask him..."

With that, Red Pi looked at the white mouse on his shoulder and asked: "Little White, have you found Big Brother?"

For once, Little White didn't hesitate and responded: "Squeak!"

A smile spread across Red Pi's face. Concealing his joy, he asked again: "Where's Big Brother now? Did you come back with him?"

His words hung in the air.

All the demons inside the cave stared intensely at the white mouse.

Little White responded clearly: "Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

The next second.