Chapter 130: The Emperors Take Turns, This Year it's My Family's Turn!_2

As a result, he remained silent, not even calling upon the ancestor when his second brother was killed. He didn't want to offend the ancestor, so he left himself the last safeguard.

Yuan Zhang's mind raced, and his movements didn't falter in the slightest.

Monkeys are naturally agile. In the past, Yuan Zhang became nimble through frequently evading predators such as tigers, wolves, and leopards in the wilderness.

Now, this agility came in handy.

Lu Wufei, seeing Yuan Zhang continually evade his attacks, intensified his efforts. With a swift movement, he plunged his hand into a nearby half-height peak, lifting part of the mountain with his enormous hand and hurtling it towards the fleeing Yuan Zhang.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Yuan Zhang couldn't dodge the collective attack and was instantly hit by the barrage of mountain fragments, fallen trees, and loose stones, causing him to stumble.

Now was the time!