Chapter 140: The Flat Peach Festival, where all immortals gathered to celebrate longevity, and Chang E danced gracefully! _2

"The Queen Mother has arrived..."

"The Great Heaven Lord has arrived..."

Two pronouncements echoed with the crier's resounding voice.

Above the vast assembly hall.

Whether standing, sitting, or closed-eyed in meditation... all immortals uniformly stood up and turned to the entrance of the venue. They saw the Queen Mother, adorned in phoenix crown and glowing headdress, and the Jade Emperor, dressed in the Nine Chapters Robe and wearing twelve-row bead coronet, each with a group of Golden Boys and Jade Maidens by their sides, together stepping into the assembly hall.

All the immortals bowed simultaneously: "Respect to the Queen Mother, respect to Your Majesty..."

"Rise, all of you fine immortals..."

The Queen Mother chuckled as she addressed the group of immortals.

Then, she and the Jade Emperor seated themselves at the head of the banquet table.

With the arrival of the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor.

The Flat Peach Festival officially began.