Chapter 147_1

Ps: I'm still thinking of a chapter title, which doesn't affect the story content.


North Sea Crystal Palace.

In the main hall.

This announcement from the Sea Clan's Little Demon, who guards the gate, immediately made all the ministers in the grand hall puzzled.

On the luxurious throne.

Ao Shun, the Dragon King with a dragon head, seemed not to hear clearly. He immediately yelled at the musicians who were still playing: "Stop!"

The musicians stopped.

The dance in the grand hall also ceased.

Dragon King Ao Shun then waved his hand.

A group of women in thin gauzy long skirts promptly bowed and left.

Only then did Ao Shun look into the distance and ask the Prawn Demon, "What did you just say? Who is visiting? Can you repeat that?"

The Prawn Demon, hearing the command, knelt and said again, "Your Majesty, a Taoist priest is outside. He claims to be a disciple from the Wuzhuang Temple on Wanshou Mountain and wishes to pay a visit to the Dragon King!"