Chapter 159: Elusive Freedom, Red Pi Returns Home!_2

The most important thing is that my elder brother is a big shot in the Earth Immortal Realm!

The Earth Immortal Realm, equivalent to the Realm of Great Sage in the Demon Clan!

The Realm of Great Sage.

Lu Wufei guessed that in his memory, the monkey and the six demons who swore brotherhood on Flower Fruit Mountain should all be in the Earth Immortal Realm by now.

He didn't know how long it would take him to become an Earth Immortal, a Great Sage of the Demon Clan.

The green-haired lion and his brother, Old Yellow-toothed Elephant, the two Great Sages of Lion Camel Ridge, dare not lay hands on their own brother Lan Yu on their own territory.

It must be Lan Yu that has made them wary.

If Lan Yu could make the two Great Demon Kings of Lion Camel Ridge back down, it shows he must have a very good reputation.

He must inquire more about this when he gets back.

At any rate, he would never let his relationship with Lan Yu cool down.