Chapter 161: Regret and Self-Reflection, Hopes for Immortality! _2

This both surprised and piqued his curiosity.

What was surprising was that given his second brother's character, all this time, he never admitted to having any shortcomings, or anything that needed correcting.

Aside from making minor changes after being reprimanded by his eldest brother, he usually just did as he pleased.

Ever since his eldest brother killed the original three Demon Kings of Great Wilderness Mountain and captured Mount Taiping, his devotion to cultivation has been constantly waning.

He had wanted to bring up this topic for a long while, but as the third brother, he did not feel it was right to criticize too harshly.

The second brother was only afraid of the eldest brother and only the eldest brother's words held sway over him.

The recent display of repentance, judging by his voice, was not coerced by the eldest brother. It seemed sincere.