Chapter 166: Unintentional Actions Bring Unexpected Results!_1

"Where is my sister!?"

"Where did my sister go!"

"What did you do to my sister!!"

In a tightly clustered wooden house, located on West Street, within the poverty-stricken Jinhua Prefecture, a short, skinny boy with dark skin held his broom tight, staring intently at the middle-aged man dressed in a long gown before him, clamoring, "I want my sister!!"

"Hey, you little rabbit!"

The middle-aged man in the gray robe was startled by the fierce look from the boy. Swiftly recovering, he pointed a finger at the boy and yelled, "Are you trying to rebel!"

"I provide you and your sister with food and drink, and even a roof over your heads. How dare you bare your teeth at me!"