Chapter 171: Frustration! _3

It was these magical powers that gave the Blood Bodhi its renowned reputation.

Such a precious thing.

Lu Wufei would not make the foolish attempt of eagerly courting indifference.

He handed cups to Sect Master An Yuesheng and Li Qinge.

Only Niu Shiheng, sitting diagonally across, was left out. His face, however, appeared unperturbed.

But no doubt, he had already cursed him countless times in his mind.

Lu Wufei didn't care, ignored him altogether, waiting until the mist on his teacup had fully dissipated, he then lifted his cup of Blood Bodhi and said: "This tea is best to drink when it's hottest, that's when you can taste its finest flavors..."

With that,

Lu Wufei drained his cup.

An Yuesheng, being a seasoned tea drinker, drained his cup even faster than Lu Wufei did.

Li Qinge, on the side, followed suit and finished her drink upon hearing this.

Immediately, there were sounds of admiration.

Within the conversation,

Li Qinge cast a glance at her Sect Master.