Chapter 172: Excited Heart, Trembling Hands!_3

Upon hearing Dou Maogen's words, Lu Wufei smiled and shook his head: "Chief Record Keeper Dou need not be so humble, I am well aware of your capabilities..."

It hasn't even been a year since our last meeting, and his robes have already changed twice.

In contrast, he had languished for countless years as a mere bottom-ranking clerk.

His rate of promotion is indeed swift.

This reflects not only his own strength but also how highly esteemed he is by Brother Yu.

Otherwise, knowing Brother Yu as I do, even if I had praised Dou Maogen until I was blue in the face it would have done no good.

"You flatter me, Immortal Lu..."

"Are you here to see Lord Yu?"

At Lu Wufei's compliment, Dou Maogen beamed even more brightly.


Lu Wufei nodded, "I do have some business with my brother..."

"I'll take you to him right away..."

Upon hearing this, Dou Maogen quickly extended his hand, "This way please, Ascending Immortal..."